Kamis, 17 September 2015

Monetization a Blog by Program Paid-to-Socialize

Program Paid-to-Socialize

What if you do not have a blog or website? Do not worry, you still have an alternative monetization models to wash the money through the internet. The first through the Paid-to-Click (PTC), or trivial paid to click on ads. This program review you can read here. The second, and will be reviewed below, is through the Paid-to-Socialize.

Monetization a Blog by Pait-to-Socialize

Referring to his name, through the paid-to-socialize you can wash money by becoming members of social media sites or social networking give certain incentive commissions for a number of actions you take. The advantages of this program compared to others is that you do not necessarily need to have a blog or website.

Here are reviews of programs of social media and social networking that you can consider. If you are interested, please join. Do not worry, you do not have to be my referral. :) Please note there is a sign "Ref", if the link is my referral link.

Yuwie (Ref) is a social networking site (such as Friendster) who pay your online social activity. Yuwie pays you for posting the article, comment, upload (upload) photos, chats, visit yuwie another account, and invite your friends to join Yuwie. If you are familiar with Friendster or MySpace, you will not be familiar with the features Yuwie. Click here to read the reviews on the site Yuwie Squidoo.

Dada.net is a social networking site with a commission sharing program that will pay you to invite your friends to join and attract visitor traffic.

Cruxy is particularly innovative social media websites for artists (musicians, short film makers, singers) who want to promote their digital products. By utilizing Cruxy Social Player, artists can sell their digital products on the site Cruxy.

BitWine will pay you to give advice and answer questions visitors BitWine, appropriate choice of interest and expertise. You simply sign up, download BitWine Taskbar and choose the method of payment for your prospective clients.

Ether gives you the opportunity to earn money from your expertise to give advice and answer questions of visitors Ether via email or telephone. You can determine your service rates.

JustAnswer is almost similar to Ether and BitWine. Your job is to give advice and answer questions JustAnswer clients through the list of available questions and you will get paid for each of your answers.

MetaCafe is based video sharing site that allows you to upload (upload) videos of your work and you will get paid based on how often videos are watched by visitors MetaCafe.

ChaCha is a search engine that utilizes network members to find results online. You can join the ChaCha and start earning revenue by providing answers to search queries ChaCha clients.

AssociatedContent is a social media network that allows everyone to publish their content through partner sites AssociatedContent and earn rewards based on how much content is downloaded visitors.

MyLot similar to Yuwie. MyLot will pay you for posting the article, comment, or using social networks MyLot for other purposes.

KnowBrainers pay you to answer any questions members of the social community KnowBrainers by topic entertainment, history, automotive, health, how to guide, legal and others.

Thus series review blog monetization models that perhaps you could consider. If you have information about the other programs that have not had time for reviews here, please add in the comments field. If you are interested in joining
