Minggu, 06 September 2015

Things To Avoid When Using LinkedIn

Things To Avoid When Using LinkedIn -  Now thesesocial media sites is indeed an important container and is well suited as a medium for business promotion. There are many social media fame in the virtual world, ranging from Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, #LinkedIn, YouTube, and others. As we know that social media is social media LinkedIn devoted to business owners and professionals.
image sources : www.linkedin.com

Social media site LinkedIn is a social media that is business-oriented, mainly used to build a professional network. So, if you have a LinkedIn account, you should avoid the following when using social media because if you do, then it is very influential on both your name and your business. Here I describe what should we AVOID.

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1. Using a Name and Photo Not Professional
Never ever do this. Why? Because when viewing your account, the first time will see your name and photo. If any of these two things you already do not look professional, let alone the content profile. That's how others will judge your LinkedIn account.
Social Media LinkedIn is not like other social #media which tend to be free to use any photos. Actually, there is no prohibition on LinkedIn about using the names and photos. But, we must understand that LinkedIn is created and operated until now devoted to business or business, which is where a professional attitude that is mandatory.
Then you should use your real name and complete, and use your photos look neat. If you have an account page (page) for your company or your business on LinkedIn, then use your company name or your business properly and the picture is filled with the company logo.

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2. Ignoring Fill Your Profile

Having others see your name and photo, and has a professional look in their eyes, then they will be keen to further explore who you are. Namely by looking at the content of the profile. Do not fill your profile with random, especially not filled at all because this is not your profile on other social media that can be hidden and only certain people who saw it, or that your identity be kept confidential.

Fill LinkedIn profile with your real data, ranging from date of birth, contact phone number, the official website, your correct location, and browse other profiles. Likewise with your company or business account. Thus, people will get the correct information and clear. And the content of this profile also impacted once the success of your business marketing.

3. Update Status Not Important

Avoid the status update is not important which may often you do on other social media. For example you a little update status are now seeing the cinema, being the streets, or other. Should avoid sharing personal status, or may be political, religious, and cultural. Because social media LinkedIn does not discuss all of it. They discuss business and build a network of larger businesses.

Then share it fit the theme is social media. For example you share on social activities of your company on LinkedIn. Most importantly share the things needed too, and according to those associated with the business, networking, and professionalism.
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4. Being a person who Narsis

Have you ever been at an event attended by many people, and you find someone who can not stop talking about himself to others? Many people on LinkedIn that promotes itself excessively and continuously throughout the day. Avoid being narcissistic like this because it can make other people feel annoyed to see it.

We recommend that you share things that are positive and original. Share it necessary, for example to share about your recent activities in the company, so that if other people could see them interested and might become your partner in the future. Narcissistic trait in social media showed a sign that we are not professional, and it can be bad for the network is built.

5. Ignoring Your LinkedIn Account

LinkedIn is not just for job seekers, or as a website promotion company. LinkedIn is also an infinite network between users, where we can be the leader and well-known in the network.

Try to create a quote or picture every week who values ​​personality and professionalism. Pulse Monitor LinkedIn also because there contains many resources to help you build expertise in the field of employment marketing, affiliate marketing, and find customers online. It's time to start treating LinkedIn as a powerful platform. Your profile should look professional, and look like an expert.

Need an example? Try to visit the profile Dharmesh Shah or Brigette Hyacinth to see how they build a large network on LinkedIn. Take the time to understand further the benefits of social media this one in order to provide a greater benefit to you.

follow us on google +, you will not miss updates the information we present to you, That's five things that should be avoided when using LinkedIn, and tips or solutions in each of the above problems. Hopefully now we know how to maximize your LinkedIn account better. Thank you for reading, and hopefully useful.
