Sabtu, 12 September 2015

Tips Succes To Make Your Web/Blog On Page 1 Google

This she sob way to make us the No. 1 in the article Googe.!
First of all may be how the following will not be done directly no one takes time and hard work for sure ..

image sources :

1.       Log in page 1 in Google
How ? by pinging our article to at least 10 website serve services Ping. To shorten the working visit just and you can ping to 50 websites at once. Here are 10 websites on the list beside him:
§  technorati. com
§  newsgator. com
§  weblogs. com
§  feedburner. com
§ com
§  blogstreet. com
§  blogpeople. net
§  feedster. com
§  blogrolling. com
§  focuslook. com

2.       Sign in rank / top 10 on Google
by submitting your article url to submit the provider's website at least 10 articles. Shorten your work with With the number of links from your article on various websites submit url will give added value to google assessment on the position of your article.
§  exactseek. com
§  anoox. com
§  websquash. com
§  ghetosearch. com
§  feedplex. com
§  amfibi. com
§  activesearchresults. com
§  surfsafely. com
§  whatuseek. com
§  amidalla. de
 3.       So rank 1 in Google
by spreading the url link your article to at least 10 social bookmarking websites. To more easily please register to 10 social bookmarking websites below:
§  Lintasberita. com
§  Beritapilihan. com
§  Populerkan. com
§  Infogue. com
§  Beritague. com
§  itusportal. com
§  Sajikan. com
§  Liputankhusus. com
§  Debuk. com
§  Kombes. com

4.       Being in the top 10 google rankings
by casting your url link to at least 10 online forums. Just to list a list of online forums below:
§  Kaskus. us
§  Forum.vivanews. com
§  Forumbebas. com
§  Lautanindonesia. com
§  Forumdetik. com
§  Diskusiweb. com
§  Endonesia. com
§  Forum.kafegaul. com
§  Bidik. com
§  Indonesiaindonesia. com

5.       So the winner of rank 1 / first in google
by spreading the url link your article to at least 10 of your social networking accounts. List only to 10 social networking list below:
§  Facebook. com
§  Twitter. com
§  Myspace.c om
§  Frienster. com
§ m
§  Google +
§  Orkut. com
§  Hi5. com
§  Mixi. com
§  Wretch. com

6.       Occupy the position of rank 1 / one in Google
to spread the url link your blog posts to provide comments to various blog Indonesia who do follow the below million Alexa ranking below:
§  O-om. com
§  Jokosusilo. com
§  Kolom-tutorial.blogspot. com
§  Tergaptek. com
§  Salingsilang. com
§  Kumpulancara. com
§  Abibakarblog. com
§  Kucoba. com
§  Dadigdug. com
§  Gusbud.web. id
7.       Earn a place in the ranking / page 1 / first google
the url link to spread your blog article to at least 10 foreign status blog do follow with a fairly high Page Rank is also a way to give quality comments on blogs following:
§  Smartbloggerz .com
§  Worthytips.c om
§  Salatti.n et
§  Pureblogging. com
§  Seobythesea.c om
§  Bookshopblog. com
§  Redflymarketing .com
§ m
§  Inspiredtowrite.c om
§  Seocopter.c om

8.       So the 1st place in the ranking of the top 10 google
planting url backlinks your article in various dummy blog. In this way, the quality of the backlinks of your article url will be stronger because google pleased with the backlink from the article. Here's a list of free blog provider's website in addition to blogspot:
§  cms.dinstudio. com
§  wallinside. com
§ uk
§ m
§ m
§  freeblogspot. com
§  journalhome.c om
§  myblogsite.c om
§  journalspace. com
§  jimdo. com
9.       Always be in the position of ranking / page 1 of google
by spreading the url link your blog posts to various blogs that installed the widget shoutmix / shoutbox or whatever his name. This trick has not been widely known by the bloggers. With one post links then your article will be indexed in each of the blog pages or the term backlink sitewide, that means you will get backlinks from many pages. Just imagine if there are 1000 articles in the blog, how many links that you can? But, for blogs that have been aged just because for a new blog to link thousands will result considered spam. Here's a blog supporting 1st place in google I mean:
§  wikimapia.mattjonesblog. com
§  rayhanzhampiet.blogspot. com
§  cbox. ws
§ (List shoutbox no.5 s / d 10 generally you are required to register)

If still not satisfied with the list that I gave chatbox, please search on google by typing the keyword 'allintext: [get a cbox]' or 'powered by PHP-Fusion "" shoutbox archive'
 10.   Get rid of blog rank 1 in google
with you being a substitute for rank 1 / one mentioned Google by running trick to 10th. Yes, trick seo latter is more focused and more intelligent than the results of the analysis of the workings of Google. Same way with the way no.6 and no.7 at the top of the comment, it's just that here we comment on blogs with targeted niche (a phrase to a particular topic or subject of the discussion centered / focused and demand among certain / pupular). At the top there are already several blogs I mentioned just that we will be strengthened further with some blogs that quality is unreliable. Here's the list (niche blogs under different, because I do not know the niche your blog. So please find their own appropriate):
§  techatlast. com
§  dofollow. info
§  bloggingjunction. com
§  klaxonmarketing.
§  weblogtoolscollection. com
§  rumahabi. com
§  bluehatseo .com
§  organicseo. in
§  tycoonblogg
§ m
§  It is very difficult to make our article No. 1 in google but if we already had the intention, surely we will get that we want

maybe you should read :
Using Blog For Your BusinessTips Online Business Running With Utilizing Twitter

NOTE : Do not forget to delete a space if you want to visit the site......
Soooooo Lets rock....!!!
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