Senin, 07 September 2015

Want to Know Your Performance on Twitter?

Want to Know Your Performance on Twitter?

Take advantage of the 5 Website Here's Analytical Tools
Twitter today it has become a social #media choice of many people for various purposes. From just vent, find friends, business, branding is to find sensations can all be done via twitter.

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The number of users who have reached half a billion certainly makes twitter increasingly become a favorite and a mainstay. You especially business people who use twitter as a medium of promotion, sales, and increase brand would have to be constantly monitor and analyze developments twiter account.

Measurement and analysis of the development of this twitter will certainly make you as a business person can quickly perform evalusai and further action. as social media Thus the analysis of the twitter account is indeed very important to see the development of marketing and branding efforts you make. For those of you who really want to know the performance of a twitter account, you can use some analytical tools #website as follows.
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The first website analytic tools that you can use to determine the performance of your #twitter account is With the tools provided by the site, you will be able to view and analyze progress and the number of followers you tweet tweet within a daily, weekly and month and annually.

In addition to knowing the development of followers and the number of tweets, in you can also make a comparison or a comparison with competitors twitter account performance of your business
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If you want to find and create a twitter account and analysis of potential followers for your business, you can use the features of the sebsite Twtrland was created for those who want to see the account who is important to follow and not follow suit in common interests.

With Twtrland, you can also find a variety of information from Twitter profiles to browse. How to use this Twtrland very easy, you just simply input your username Twitter account, Twtrland will analyze and display various information about the Twitter accounts you typed it.
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Simply by entering the name of a Twitter account that you want the analysis, you will get information about what the tweet of the most widely retweeted and who are the top contributors to the Twitter account.

Although still a lot of other information that is presented, the tools on the website will be able to this point shows how far your tweet reach and become popular for the follower. Of course, of the benefits provided tools of this Tweetreach you will be easier to monitor the extent to which performance has given your twitter account for this.
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Information as a good analysis for twitter account also you can get from the website When you use the tools of Tweetbinder this, you will get a lot of information such as see who was involved in a conversation, who is the most influential, what tweet shared, what links are never shared, topic hashtag that you use and how many users are involved using the hashtag used. With this information you will certainly be easier to get to know the performance of your Twitter account or a Twitter account belonging to your competitors.
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Lastly, the website which has the analytical tools in order to determine the performance of your twitter account is Twitonomy. With the tools provided for free in Twitonomy this website you will get a fairly complete information like seeing the tweet and retweet, reply, mention, hashtags, links, followers and people you follow.
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Of the various pieces of information, you can find out the statistics and the performance of the account that you have because Twitonomy in other tools will show and describe the development of followers, following, hashtag, statistics in one day, one week or one month.

Here are five websites that provide analytical tools that will be useful to you as a businessman who is designing and developing a marketing or branding. By utilizing the existing tools on the website, you will be able to easily determine the performance and analysis of developments twitter account belonging to you or your competitor.
