Jumat, 11 September 2015

how to add a domain in hosting

The first time someone who has bought a new domain they certainly they will be confused. especially for a first-time buy or previously have never bought a domain. The new domain is purchased would have added to the hosting order for the domain has the data to be accessed by anyone who wants to visit a domain / URL address of the website. if the domain is not only looks nothing more than a blank page does not exist anything found there.
image sources : www.artistsvalley.com

If you're had difficulty how to add these domains to hosting Hopefully this simple little tutorial to help you. in buying the hosting of course there are various packages on offer there is only one domain alone, there is also the unlimited / can add as many domains in hosting. Well this time for sure buddy buddy already know that my friend buy a hosting package if it had been my friend can follow the guide adds to the domain hosting easily and quickly.  
How this is done when someone wants to install wordpress, pal first add the domain to the hosting. how can install the script domain if no domain there, we just see how;

How do I add a new domain to hosting.

a.      Here I give an example in owned Hawkhost hosting, and hosting is usually all have almost the same way in adding a new domain that is not their own services. so even if my friend does not use the hosting Hawkhost will do exactly what I would do the following.
b.      If my friend bought the domain in different services Do not forget to set sett first DNS / Domain name server, for example to buy a domain in namecheap.com, while buying hosting in Hawkhost then make sure the DNS has directed his hosting Hawkhost.

 c.       Open your cpanel, cpanel address usually will be sent to the email you when buying hosting. Her example as, login with your username and password.
d.      On the home page there are a lot of menu pal cpanel, you need to add a domain is "add-on Domains"
e.      There are several empty fields to be filled. To fill in the fields that appear there
 Caption1. Fill in the address / URL of your website, for example domainwhat.com without http: // www.2. If you click a column number 2 is then automatically in accordance with the contents of the domain name pal3. This column will be followed the column number 2 will also automatically filled4. The contents of the password twice5. Click on "add domain" to execute.  If you have finished it. domain will appear at its bottom (Figure 5). The new domain will appear at the top. If so, then the domain is ready to install with wordpress, prestashop, Drupal, jomla, phpBB, and other scripts friend can choose the platform / script that feels most comfortable in the liver.
