Rabu, 16 September 2015

Things That Will Not Make You a Successfull writer / author

things that will not make you a success to be a writer - don't be shock, people who will never be a successful writer. Although initially he was determined to become a successful writer and has learned how to write a book to join this training it.

Will Not Make You a Successfull Author

How can it be right?
Yes, it can be because they do not want to write the key to a successful practice. They do not want to practice writing properly.

Many reasons they proposed:
§  Busy office,
§  Children busy committee,
§  Busy house committee,
§  Busy business,
They are busy with the activities that the initial dream of becoming a great writer disappear along with their activities.
Actually they can successfully write despite being busy. They only need one key to success, which is routine. And this relates to customs (Read related article on writing skills).

Write fluently strategy is:
You are only required to practice writing a lot and often. The more you write, then you will be fluent writing. Similarly speaking, the more often you talk and then you will be fluent.
You do not have to be born with talent but it is you who have to give birth to that talent. Yes, you can be talented, provided you want to take action that is massive, continuous, relentless and repetitive.
How busy his work, you can be a successful writer. Here are 5 tips:

1.       Want to spend some time.
Write just a paragraph or two each day.

2.       Prepare the appliance.
A small notebook and pen pockets that fit is the best way to start the habit of writing. Use it to write your daily activities.

3.       Write down a little.
Do not need a lot, write down your daily activities with menyicil. Just one or two paragraphs per day.

4.       Not easily satisfied.
Have a desire to increase again the number of paragraphs that every day. Write down rather a lot. For smooth, write a simple and memorable, not to be complicated.

5.     Do it repeatedly
Every day, week, month and year.When you've done that
then you've been on the right. Just wait for one or two months. When you expose sheets of your writing it

Then you will be stunned by what you have laukukan. It turns out you have to write a lot of things. Your files are already piling up.
And then you ask, where did all that? The answer is your habit of repeating what you're interested in, every day.
Let us nurture the habit of writing every day in order to become a great writer. Write what memorable in life. Start with a little; from small ones; from easy.

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image credits : netpreneur.co.id
