Rabu, 16 September 2015

Interests Attract Customers and Investors

Interests Attract Customers and Investors With 3 Mechanical Pitch Presentation Here It
interest attract customers and investors

Pitch Presentation Techniques

Usually businesses will be busy with things to make customers and investors remain attracted by them. To keep them interested, customers and investors generally would require businesses that care about the needs and desires.

So mindfulness was originally done by businesses to customers and investors. However, if reversed, what if we as a businessman making customers and investors it should matter to us? Indeed it can? Yes, you can, as long as we know the technique then all must be created.

Generally ways to keep customers and investors concerned about you as a businessperson occur at the moment of business presentations. At the time of a business presentation, you as a businessperson should not constantly have to make investors or customers interested in you, yet with a pitch presentation method you can make them have to care for you in earnest.

Pitch presentation itself is a business presentation that aim to get a purchase contract or a sum of money from the customer or investor. From here it is this kind of presentation would indeed be very crucial to make the deal successful and certainly for the betterment of your business.

Then the question how and techniques run the presentation good pitch to reach a deal and the progress of the business? Here's his review.

The structure of the Good Pitch Presentation

To keep customers and investors you care about your presentation pitch this method you can not arbitrarily in determining the structure of the presentation. This is because the presentation can arbitrarily make a presentation ended in total failure.

Useless you have plenty of time, but you use only to talk about things that are not so important as explaining the history of the company, the organizational structure and life history of the founder. Remember investors or customers have requirements you must meet in presenting it, not just to listen to you speak is not clear.

In this presentation pitch you should be able to make the audience interested in fulfilling what investors or customers need to make a decision. Structure an effective presentation pitch itself will be divided into three main parts: problem - solution - action.

1. Problem

In a business presentation first thing that will be the attention of customers and investors is what the issue or problem to be lifted from a business. Why should depart from the problem (problem)? Because businesses are departing from the problem or problems in society in general will have a greater market share of the business that do not depart from a problem.

So to make investors concerned with the business, you must disclose the existing market problem on your business. Show them under this issue is a matter that is important and must be met.

2. Solution

After explaining the problem, you have to explain the solution. And the solution is in the products or services your business will do. Tell me in detail and if necessary directly demonstrate how your product serves to solve existing problems. In other words, "show them the pain", show to investors and customers what happens if your products and services do not exist in the community.

In this section, you also can convey things that need to be known by investors to make decisions. An example is the large turnover, profit levels, market projections and others. You simply adjust what you want to convey to the type and purpose of your presentation.

3. Action

Finally after making the problem and the solution is clear, it is time for you to invite them (investor or customer) is willing to take this business has to offer. In this presentation pitch you did have to make a presentation that is not only informative but also persuasive (invited).

In the last step of this term is often called a call to action. In formulating this call to action, you must be specific and know what you want. If you are trying to sell a product or service, you name it clear how much the value of the purchase that you would expect. But if you want a #investasi, specify how much value you want and what percentage ownership of the company that was willing to give.
