Kamis, 17 September 2015

How To Avoid Negative Impact of Google Penguin

Here 7 Ways tested Required To Do To Avoid Negative Impact of Google Penguin

Google returned for the umpteenth time update its search engine algorithms. The official name of the algorithm update this time is Google Penguin. The victim fell. Many sites or blogs that decreased visitor traffic from search engines. Was not the least affected sites or blogs penalty and disappeared altogether from the search engine page. For those who use the site or blog to make money from the internet, the consequences are felt: a decrease in income. :)

How To Avoid Impact of Google Penguin

What exactly is Google Penguin?

Google Penguin is a name that refers to the process of regular updates search engine algorithms of Google, this time focused on improving the quality of search results Google Search Engine (SERP) by ridding the (lower rank or to deindeks at all) sites were identified as " webspam ". "Webspam" are the sites that deliberately violate the rules of quality "Google Quality Guidelines" in order to get high rankings in Google search results page.

Yes, Google actually has "rules" about the quality of a website or blog. Unfortunately, this rule is not widely known (or perhaps ignored) by the owners of sites or blogs. In fact, if followed, the specter of Google Penguin in fact need not be a scary ghost. Website or blog would not be affected by the decline in the ranking of Google Penguin.

In this article I will review tips on how to avoid the negative impact of Google Penguin. These tips are all sourced from Google Quality Guidelines.

1. Avoid Hidden Text or Hidden Links

Hidden text or hidden links or text links that are deliberately hidden so as not to be seen by visitors to the site or blog, but still readable by search engine robots. Typically, text or hidden links that are targeted keywords to improve ranking in search engines. Some ways to make hidden text or hidden links for example by making the text color the same as the background color or blog site, containing text behind an image, use CSS to hide text or create a text with font size "0". Google Penguin will remove the index of a search engine site or blog that allegedly contains hidden text or hidden links. That is, your site or blog will disappear from the Google search results page.

To-do list:a. If you ever make hidden text or hidden links, immediately delete the text or a link or a show that can be seen by visitors to your site or blog.b. If you utilize Javascript, images or videos, use the attribute "noscript" tag, attribute "ALT" or give a description of the image or the video.c. Once you are sure that the website or blog you do not break the rules hidden text or hidden links, please send the data to a website or blog Google Webmaster Tools to get re-review.

2. Do not do Cloaking

Cloaking is a technique of displaying different content or URLs for visitors to the site or blog and search engines. An example is displaying HTML text pages for search engines, and displays the same page with images or video material for visitors to the site or blog. Together with techniques hidden text or hidden links, Google Penguin will assume your site or blog that do cloaking as untrustworthy sites and will remove the site index or blog.

To-do list:a. If you ever do cloaking, immediately remove or show content or URLs that are equally good in the eyes of visitors and the search engines.b. If you use images, use attribute "ALT" to describe the image.c. If you are using Javascript, use attribute "noscript" tag.d. Once you are sure that your site or blog does not violate the rules of this cloaking, send the data to a website or blog Google Webmaster Tools to get re-review.

3. Do not do Keywords Stuffing

Keywords stuffing is SEO techniques undertaken by fulfilling web page or blog with a particular keyword to get high rankings in the search engines. For example writing articles with keyword density (keywords density) more than 10 times (over-optimization). Keywords stuffing is also commonly performed in meta tags and post tags. Perhaps you've found the site or blog that displays a large number of search results of keywords (search terms) with lots of commas in the footer of the post tags. That is one example of stuffing keywords to target Google Penguin penalty.

To-do list:a. If you ever do keywords stuffing, immediately remove it and create meta tags or any post tags appropriately.b. If you use the Plugin Search Term Tagging, you better remove this plugin or not to display the search terms the results of this plugin.c. If you install sidewide link in the footer, make sure the link is relevant to the topic of your site or blog. For example link "premium theme" WP theme for the blog stubs review.d. Write the title and content of your blog with a reasonable level of keyword density (3-4 repetitions). It is worth reconsidering the use of Plugin Easy WP SEO is relatively unnatural.e. Once you are sure that the website or blog you do not break the rules hidden text or hidden links, please send the data to a website or blog Google Webmaster Tools to get re-review.

4. Do not Make Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is a content site or blog that is exactly the content of other sites or blogs. Duplicate content can also occur within the same site or blog. Website or blog with a duplicate content penalty is one of the targets Google Penguin and risk removed from Google's search results.

To-do list:a. Never again do a copy paste content from other sites or blogs.b. Use a 301 Redirect to prevent Google from indexing robot duplicate content on your site or blog.c. If you're doing an internal link, try to always be consistent. Do not make a different link for one the same page, for example: http://www.blinkblankblok.com/page/ and http://www.blinkblankblok.com/page and http://www.blinkblankblok.com/page /index.htmd. Be careful if you are doing content syndication. If possible ask always backlinks from a syndicate you are doing.e. Once you are sure that your site or blog does not violate the rules of duplicate content, send the data to a website or blog Google Webmaster Tools to get re-review.

5. Carefully With Malware page or Badware

Malware or badware is software designed to damage a computer, network, website or blog. Malware or badware include viruses, spyware or Trojan. If your site or blog infected with malware or badware, then Google will provide "flagged" which means your site or blog entry in the dangerous category. Consequently, your site or blog will not be indexed by Google and of course the robot will disappear from Google's search results.

To-do list:a. If your site or blog has been hacked or infected with malware inadvertently, immediately do a virus cleaning offline.b. Once you are sure that your site or blog has been "clean", send the data to a website or blog Google Webmaster Tools to get re-review and Google will release a "flagged" for your site or blog.

6. Avoid Creating Doorway Pages

Doorway page is a web page or blog with content (usually lower quality) that is filled with keywords to get high rankings in the search engines and intended to take visitors to one particular destination pages (usually affiliate site). Doorway pages often make the visitors to a website or blog frustrated because brought swirling towards one common goal. Google Penguin will give penalty for websites or blogs that perform this technique.

To-do list:a. Do not create doorway pages if you do not want to accept the negative consequences of the Google Penguin.b. If you have a web page or blog with a structure doorway page, immediately correct these pages with SEO optimization perspective.c. Once you are sure that your site or blog does not violate the rules of this doorway page, send the data to a website or blog Google Webmaster Tools to get re-review.

7. Make sure Provides Unique and Relevant Content For Visitors

There is nothing wrong if you have a website or blog monetized with affiliate programs. But if you want your site or blog gets high rankings in the search engines, it is unique and relevant content for the visitor is strongly recommended. Google Penguin targeting sites or blogs that poor original content or no original content at all (aka duplicate content). So, try to keep providing quality content and useful for visitors to your affiliate website or blog.

To-do list:a. Check the back of your affiliate site or blog to ensure unique and relevant content for the visitor.b. Do not fill your affiliate website or blog just with duplicate content (copy and paste).

Well, that's 7 ways you can do to avoid the negative impact of the Google Penguin.

Indeed, to get high rankings in the search engines does not have the means black hat SEO. SEO optimization can still be done with white hat and in fact could even last longer. Google itself repeatedly underlines: content is the king. Furthermore, relevant content, original and truly needed by visitors to your site or blog. Although these rules we've heard, but they often ignore. In fact, Google Penguin more aggressively to "clean up" sites webspam with non-original content and only made to get high rankings in the search engines. By following the guidelines to-do list above (well you do on your own or with the help of SEO services), actually you can avoid the negative impact of the Google Penguin.

You also do not need to constantly feel excited with Google's updates in the future after the Panda and Penguin.

Is not an online business, just like offline businesses, built on a long-term goal?

What do you think?

Hope it is useful.
