Kamis, 03 September 2015

5 Ways To Make Money From Blog: Proven!

5 Ways To Make Money From Blog: Proven!

image resources : www.howtomintmoney.com

anyone can create a blog, and the way is not too difficult. However, if we talk of making money from a blog, probably many blogger friends who still do not understand how. In this article, I try to share my experience of how to make money from a blog.

It would be better if we planned from the outset what the purpose of building a blog, and how we will monetize the blog. The experience of each person will be different in building blog. Some people build a blog just for fun, and other bloggers blogging activities with clear objectives. In this case I was a blogger who had a clear goal in building a blog, the blogging for money hehehe.

I've built more than 10 blogs in different categories made in Indonesian and English. For English-language blogs, I usually buy articles from external writers (native speaker) because my English is still mediocre, little little I can lah hehehe. As for the Indonesian language blog, I usually write your own article and others I hired a writer.

Every blog that I wake up, definitely make money that I get from bebeberapa program. Income my blog each is different, there is make bite the fingers there is also what makes eyed hehehe. Ok, here are a few ways to make money from blogs that I wake up. Sorry, I did not include screen shoot because it is not necessary.

read this also :

How to Make Free Blog on WordPress and Blogger

How to Get Money From Youtube?

1. Commissions From Affiliate Marketing

Joining an affiliate program is one way to make money from blogs. It should be noted that the affiliate program that we should follow in accordance with the topic of the blog that we wake up. For example a blog about internet marketing topics, the affiliate program that we follow have to deal with this niche.
My experience when building a blog for affiliate programs, I first determine which products will I sell, I recently started a blog. For example, when I build a blog to promote products from Amazon.com, I did some research beforehand. What products will be promoted, keywords anything that can menunjung SEO, and how to build content.
That we must consider is the content in the blog that we build must have a value and benefit to the audience. The better your content, chances are greater the higher the conversion of sales of the blog. From the Amazon affiliate program, I can get hundreds to thousands of dollars. If I can, you can.

2. Offer Advertising space in Blog

A blog which has high traffic biasanyalebih successfully gain potential advertisers. My experience, independent ad space on my blog rented at a cost of Rp 500 thousand - Rp 1.5 million for each ad spots every month, I think it was passable.
That must be considered is the product or website that we're advertising must be tailored to the topic of the website / blog that we wake up. For example about the topic of your website or internet marketing business opportunity, then this type of advertising that you can receive is a product or a website related to the niche.

Should we NOT accept ads that promote products or websites that are completely unrelated to the niche of our website as this will confuse the audience and conversion usually ugly. For example your website on internet marketing, then you advertising from advertisers that promote hair growth products.

3. Marketing Services or Your Own Products

This means you have a business that wants to offer to your audience. I often find blogs that are made in a creative way, on the blog of the bloggers write about their daily activities, hobbies, and also expertise in a particular field. Blog this kind we often find ya.

Well, the owner of the blog is to sell products, hobbies, or services, to the readers of his blog. So, besides getting friends bloggers on the internet, she also gets revenue by selling expertise or products on the blog. Very creative.

One example is the blog of my friend from Germany in Pursuingmydreams.com Nella. If we pay attention to his blog in passing, maybe we just read the articles only. However, in the blog Nella also offers / sell flower seeds to friends bloggers in Indonesia. Planting flowers is his hobby, and his article discusses a lot of interest, and he used his blog to sell flower seeds. Creative yes.

4. Write Articles About Business / Website Others

This activity is usually called Paid for Review. There are many companies who want to know that their business featured on the blogs of others. Typically these companies are willing to pay quite expensive for a review article. Based on my experience, the article reviews normally be paid Rp 300ribu - Rp 500 thousand, depending on the negotiations.

However, it is not easy to get Advertiser willing to pay for the review article. I do not know the experience of friends, but from my experience the Advertiserlah were always contact me to email and asked for a review article about their business.

If you do not want to bother contacting potential advertisers, no one tried to register as a publisher in IdBlogNetwork. Some bloggers I know often get a job writing articles review of IdBlogNetwork, and usually the advertiser willing to pay dearly for an article of their publisher.

5. Sell Your Blog

This is probably the last way that we can choose to make money from blogs. Would be very hard to sell a blog that we have built with great difficulty, but if indeed you have no time or were not able memantain the blog, you can choose this option.

Sell ​​blog would be difficult if we do not know how or do not have a network of friends who can help sell the blog / website. My experience, contact a broker or mediator would be helpful to find a potential buyer candidates. Two of the website / blog my Amazon affiliate ever sold each $ 1,000 with the help of a broker. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of the website I use for capital build another business.

6. Being a Google Adsense Publisher

Google Adsense is one of the most popular PPC program and most widely followed by publishers around the world, including in Indonesia. To become a publisher and earn money and earn money from Google Adsense, we have to have a website / blog that has a sizeable traffic. Publisher revenue obtained from valid clicks Adsense ads in your website / blog, but do not even think to click on your own ads because it is banned by the Google Adsense.

Nowadays there are a lot of big sites, both local and international who joined the Google Adsense publisher.
